We received a fabulous phone call this morning. While we were turned down for a recent City of Indianapolis Crime Prevention grant due, in large part, to our newness, it seems our ideas caught Unlike other supplements, it doesn’t take years to viagra cialis on line show the result. These […]
Yearly Archives: 2013
There’s a new app in town… well, app and website. A project of the Public History Program at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, the National Council on Public History, the Indiana Department of Natural Resources Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology, and the Indiana Historical Society, Indy Historical is a website and phone […]
Indy Historical

Walk Urban Indy, in conjunction with Amos Butler Audubon, Destination Fall Creek, and Keep Indianapolis Beautiful, coordinated a walking tour of the Watson Road Bird Preserve and the neighborhood’s slice of the Monon Trail. Benefits OfKamagra Stronger, harder and long-lasting erection Assurance of satisfying sex Intense and explosive orgasms levitra […]
A Tour with Birds
The Indianapolis Neighborhood Resource Center (INRC) puts on an annual “Neighbor Power” event – “A Gathering to Inspire Greater Indy Neighborhoods” – that brings together hundreds of people from around the city who are interested in neighborhood improvement and community development WUI was honored to be included on a session panel […]
WUI Speaks at INRC’s Powerful “Neighbor Power” Event
Wow, where to begin. There were so many good things to come out of today’s activities that I really can’t report on all of them this evening. The day was long and FULL. I learned great information, heard wonderful ideas, made fabulous contacts… America Walks has created a “think tank” […]
National Walking Summit – Day 2 Wrap-Up
Wow. Brenda Havens (that’s me!) of Walk Urban Indy received a scholarship to attend the FIRST EVER National Walking Summit in Washington D.C.. The conference kicked off at noon today with registration and a meet and greet followed by break-out sessions and a reception. 1) “Strengthening Change in Your Community […]
National Walking Summit – Day 1 Wrap-up

It has been a busy month. Walk Urban Indy has been attending meetings, making contacts, and brainstorming with interested companies and organizations across the City of Indianapolis. The response to our initiative has been extremely positive. We have received both encouragement and creative input and our plans for 2013 are […]
WUI is reaching out to partners across the City

WUI routes start and end in parks wherever possible. As such, and for purposes of safety, we recommend that you follow the “open” times of the Indy Parks department and contain your walking between the hours of dawn to dusk. While leaving after dawn is pretty easy, be sure to […]
When should we walk?
Health experts around the world agree… the “tipping point” of advantage to aerobic exercise (like walking!) is 30 minutes. Walking for longer than 30 minutes and/or walking at a faster pace (higher intensity) increase the benefit, but the minimum is 30 minutes of exercise. So why are Walk Urban Indy’s […]
m&m’s – minutes and miles
Walk Urban Indy has joined the Health by Design Pedestrian Working Group The Health by Design mission is to create an environment that This inability is more super viagra for sale common in men in their 40s, but these days due to modern lifestyle stress, men in their youth are […]