Press Release: Historic Watson Park Route 1a “Park to Park” 1

Press Release

Walk Urban Indy launches their first route

By Brenda Havens
June 11, 2013

Indianapolis, IN – Starting as a simple map a year ago to help celebrate the new national historic status of the Watson Park neighborhood on the near north side of Indianapolis, Walk Urban Indy (WUI or “woo-y”) has taken the idea of educational exercise and well… walked with it. Briskly. This weekend they are excited to be holding a Launch Event for their first route.

Launch Event for Historic Watson Park Route 1a “Park to Park”

On June 15th, from 9a – 3p, in conjunction with Historic Watson Park’s annual Garage Sale and Bazaar, Walk Urban Indy will be on hand in McCord Park (intersection of west 36th Street and Watson Road) to give out free route maps, sign up interested walkers, and engage neighbors and visitors in the art of educational exercise.

Members of a local walking group will be walking the 1mi loop route during the event and invite the community to walk with them.

The route begins at the west end of McCord Park and travels east, across College Avenue, to the Watson Road Bird Preserve where it walks the nature path inside the park. It then returns back along Watson Road, dropping south along the College Avenue transportation corridor until it turns onto 36th street to return to McCord Park. The path inside the park, while short, does have a bit of elevation and comfortable shoes are recommended.

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About Walk Urban Indy, Inc.

Walk Urban Indy combines educational route maps and support for walking clubs to encourage residents to achieve affordable exercise where they can most easily access it: in their own neighborhoods. It’s a 360 approach to raising the quality of life in our neighborhoods.

The maps are a combination of turn by turn directions and a themed knowledge of the area you are walking through. Themes will include (but are not limited to): history of the neighborhood, environmental/green sights, and interesting architecture.

For More Information


PDF version available here: 2013-06-11 WUI Launch Event HWP 1a Press Release

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